Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pronoun - Kinds


  1. Personal Pronouns
  2. Reflexive Pronouns
  3. Emphatic Pronouns
  4. Demonstrative Pronouns
  5. Indefinite Pronouns
  6. Distributive Pronouns
  7. Reciprocal Pronouns
  8. Relative Pronouns
  9. Interrogative Pronouns
 10. Exclamatory Pronouns


  Pronouns referring to persons are known as Personal Pronouns.
 (a) First Person:--The Pronouns which denote the person or persons speaking, are known as Personal Pronouns of the First Person.
    eg.:--  I (singular) and We (plural)
 (b) Second Person:--The Pronouns which denote the person or persons spoken to, are known as Personal Pronoun of the Second Person.
    eg.:--  You (singular) and You (plural)
 (c) Third Person :--The Pronouns which denote the person or persons spoken of, are known as Personal pronoun of the Third Person.
    eg.:--  He, She, It (singular) and They (plural)



 The Pronouns which replace a noun and indicate the effect of action on the subject itself are known as Reflexive Pronouns.
               (a) Self is added to my, your, him, her and it. (singular)
               (b) Selves is added to our, your and them.    (plural)
I hurt myself.
We hurt ourselves.
You hurt yourself.    
You hurt yourselves.
He hurts himself.       
They hurt themselves.
She hurts herself.    
They hurt themselves.
It hurts itself.
They hurt themselves.


  When 'self' or 'selves' is added to a pronoun for the sake of emphasis, it is known as Emphatic Pronoun.
         *  I will cook it myself.
         *  He himself admitted his guilt.
         *  We will see to it ourselves.



     When Pronouns are used to point out the object to which they refer,they are known as Demonstrative Pronouns.
     e.g.:--  This, that, these, those, such etc.

         *  This is a present from my sister.
         *  That is the Red Fort.
         *  Delhi mangoes are better than those of Bangalore.


 When Pronouns refer to persons or things in a general way,and not in particular, they are known as Indefinite Pronouns.
    e.g.:--   Some, any,somebody, all, nobody, no one, nothing, they, one, none, anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, all, some etc.
         *  One must not praise one's self.
         *  They (= people in general) say he has lost heavily.
         *  Somebody has stolen my pen.

 When Pronouns refer to persons or things one at a time, they are known as Distributive Pronouns.
     e.g.:--  Each, either, neither etc.

         * Each of the boys gets book.
         * Either of you can dance.
         * Neither of the accusations is true.



 When Pronouns replace nouns and denote mutual relations, they are known as Reciprocal Pronouns.
     e.g.:--  Each other (for two ), one another (for more than two ).

         * Seeta and Geeta love each other.
         * Brothers and sisters love one another.


     When Pronouns replace nouns and show their relation with their antecedents, they are known as Relative Pronouns.
Who, whose, whom/who, what, which, that, as, whoever, whatever, whomever, whichever etc.

         * Take anything that you like.
         * I say what I mean.
         * This is the car which belongs to my uncle.
         * Yesterday I met my friend who won the match.
         * This is the boy whom/who all praise.
           (singular and plural)
       * Nominative form ----who
       * Genetive   form ----whose
       * Accusative form----whom/who



  When Pronouns replace nouns and are used for asking questions, they are known as Interrogative Pronouns.
     e.g.:--  Who?,whom? what?,Which?
        * What do you want ?
        * Who has stolen my book ?
        * Whom did you tell ?
        * Which came first ?
        * person --------------  who (subject) , whom ( object )
        * thing -----------------  what
        * person/thing ------  which
        * person ---------------  whose
                                              ……. are used.



  When Pronouns like ‘WHAT’ are used to express surprise or disbelief, they are known as Exclamatory Pronouns.
        * What! You don't know him ?
        * What nonsense !
        * What a shame !
       * An exclmation must be followed by an exclamation mark (!).
       * When an exclamatory  ‘WHAT’ precedes a singular, countable noun, the word ‘WHAT’ must be followed by a or an.

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