Saturday, October 4, 2014

Adverb - Kinds

  1. Adverb of Time
  2. Adverb of Place
  3. Adverb of Reason
  4. Adverb of Manner
  5. Adverb of Degree
  6. Adverb of Doubt
  7. Adverb of Affirmation
  8. Adverb of Negation
  9. Adverb of Frequency
 10. Interrogative Adverb
 11. Relative or Conjunction Adverb

 *   They indicate time and answer the question 'when?'
 * The words 'now','then','before','after','early','soon','late','today','tomorrow',
'yesterday', 'presently','immediately','recently','already','hereafter',etc. are
generally used as adverb of time; as -
      * He came to me yesterday.
      * I have already taken my meals.
      * Sunil will come back soon.


 2. ADVERBS   OF  PLACE :---

*   They indicate place and answer the question 'where ?'.
The words 'here','there', 'hither','thither', 'far', 'near','anywhere' and 'elsewhere' etc. are generally used as adverb of place; as,

       * Hari has been living here for two years.
       * A king was going somewhere.
       * Mumbai is far from Kolkata.
 3. ADVERBS   OF   REASON  :--
 *  They show reason and answer the question 'why?'or 'wherefor?'
 *  The words 'hence', 'because', 'consequently', 'then', 'therefore', 'thus' etc. are used as adverb of reason; as,
     * Moti was caught red handed, therefore, he could not escape arrest.
     * Ramu was lame, hence, he was declared disqualified for race.
 *   They denote manner of doing a work. It always answers the question 'how?'
 *   The words generally usedas adverb of manner have '-ly' at their end; as'
    'Sweetly', 'badly', 'legally', 'cleverly', 'bravely' etc.
        * She sings sweetly.
        * Ram fought bravely.
        Note :--
     Some adverbs of Manner don't have '-ly' at their end; as,
        * The boy works hard.
        * The girl runs fast.


 *   They indicate the extent or quantity of a thing.
 *   Some adverbs of degree are:-

    Partly, much, half, quite, too much, very, somewhat etc.
       * He is quite right in supporting his old parents.
       * Satish has partly failed in his mission.
 6. ADVERBS   OF  DOUBT  :---
 *   They indicate doubt or suspicion;as,
 *   Possibly, probably etc.


        * He may probably come today.
        * They will possibly succeed in their mission.

 *   They denote affirmation.
 *   The words 'yes', 'surely', 'certainly', 'by all means' etc. are used as the adverb of affirmation.

       * Yes, he is a thief.
       * I will certainly reach Delhi tomorrow.
 *   They indicate negation.
 *   The words 'no', 'nay', 'not', 'not at all' etc. are used as the verb of negation.

       * No, you will not be allowed a day's leave.
       * He is not at  all honest.

    They show 'how often'.
    Some frequency words are: often, always, seldom, ever, twice, frequently, occasionally etc.
       * She often comes to my shop.
       * I have not seen him once

 *    They are used for making a question.
     Some interrogative adverbs are : where, how, why, wherefore, how far, how long etc.

         * Where do you live ?
         * How long has he been in service ?

 *    They join two clauses.
 *    Some relative adverbs are : when, where etc.

       e.g. :--
           * He woke up when his friend had departed.
           * This is the place where I was born.


   Adverbs, like Adjectives, have three degrees of comparision; as,

   (1) Positive Degree

   (2) Comparative Degree

   (3) Superlative Degree

    Note :--
     * Adverbs are generally compared like Adjectives.

       e.g. :--
     * Ram works hard.                              (Positive)
     * Arjun works harder than Ram.     (Comparative)

     * Hari works hardest of all.               (Superlative)


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