Thursday, October 2, 2014

Confusing Words

Confusing Words

accept (v) ----------- to agree to receive or do
except (prep)------- not including

adverse (adj)------- unfavourable, harmful
averse  (adj)-------- strongly disliking; opposed

advice (n) ----------- recommendations about what to do
advise (v) ----------- to recommend something

affect (v)-------------- to change or make a difference to
effect (n)-------------- a result; to bring about a result

aisle (n) --------------- a passage between rows of seats
isle  (n) ---------------- an island

all together (prep)- all in one place, all at once
altogether (adv)---- completely; on the whole

allude (v)-------------- to mention indirectly
elude (v)--------------- to escape

along (prep)--------- moving or extending horizontally on

a long (adj)----------- referring to something of great length

a lot (adj) ------------- a large amount or number
allot  (v)  -------------- to give for a particular purpose

aloud (adV)---------- loudly
allowed (v) ----------- permitted

altar (n) --------------- a sacred table in a church
alter (v) --------------- to change

amoral (adj)--------- not concerned with right or wrong
immoral (adj)-------- not following accepted moral standards

appraise (v) -------- to assess
apprise (v)  --------- to inform someone

assent  (n)---------- agreement, approval
ascent (n)----------- the action of rising or climbing up

aural (adj)----------- relating to the ears or hearing
oral (adj)------------- relating to the mouth; spoken

balmy (adj)--------- pleasantly warm
barmy (adj)--------- foolish, crazy

bare (adj);(v)------ naked; to uncover
bear (v)-------------- to carry; to put up with

bated (adj)--------- in phrase 'with bated breath', i.e. in great suspense
baited (adJ)------- with bait attached or inserted

bazaar (n)---------- a Middle Eastern market
bizarre (adj)------- strange

berth (n)----------- a bunk in a ship, train, etc.
birth (n)------------ the emergence of a baby from the womb

born (v)------------- having started life
borne (adj)------- carried

bough (n)--------- a branch of a tree
bow (v)------------ to bend the head; the front of a ship

brake (n)---------- a device for stopping a vehicle; to stop a vehicle
break (v)---------- to separate into pieces; a pause

breach (v)--------- to break through, or break a rule; a gap
breech (n)--------- the back part of a gun barrel

broach (v)--------- to raise a subject for discussion
brooch (n)--------- a piece of jewellery

canvas (n)--------- a type of strong cloth
canvass (v)-------- to seek people’s votes

censure (v)-------- to criticize strongly
censor (v),(n)----- to ban parts of a book or film; a person who does this

cereal (n)---------- a grass producing an edible grain; a food made from grains
serial (adj)-------- happening in a series

chord (n)----------- a group of musical notes
cord (n)------------- a length of string; a cord-like body part

climactic (adj)--- forming a climax
climatic (adj)----- relating to climate

coarse (adj)------- rough
course (n)---------- a direction; a school subject; part of a meal

complacent (adj)--- smug and self-satisfied
complaisant (adj)-- willing to please

complement (v); (n)
-- to add to so as to improve; an addition that improves something
compliment (v);(n)-- to praise or express approval; an admiring remark

council (n)------------- a group of people who manage or advise
counsel (n); (v)
------- advice; to advise

cue (n)-------------- a signal for action; a wooden rod
queue (n)---------- a line of people or vehicles

curb (v)----------- to keep something in check; a control or limit
kerb (n)----------- the stone edge of a pavement

currant (n)-------- a dried grape
current (adj);(n
)----- happening now; a flow of water, air, or electricity

defuse (v)--------- to make a situation less tense
diffuse (v)--------- to spread over a wide area

desert (n);(v)----- a waterless, empty area; to abandon someone
dessert (n)-------- the sweet course of a meal

discreet (adj)----- careful not to attract attention
discrete (adj)----- separate and distinct

disinterested (adj)-impartial
uninterested (adj)- not interested

draught (n)-------- a current of air
draft (n)------------- a first version of a piece of writing

draw (n)----------- an even score at the end of a game
drawer (n)-------- a sliding storage compartment

dual (adj)--------- having two parts
duel (n)------------ a fight or contest between two people

elicit (v)------------ to draw out a reply or reaction
illicit (adj)--------- not allowed by law or rules

ensure (v)--------- to make certain that something will happen
insure (v)---------- to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged

envelop (v)-------- to cover or surround
envelope (n)------ a paper container for a letter

exercise (n);(v)--- physical activity; to do physical activity
exorcise (v)-------- to drive out an evil spirit

fawn (n)------------- a young deer; light brown colour
faun (n)------------- a mythical being, part man, part goat

flaunt (v)----------- to display ostentatiously
flout (v)------------- to disregard a rule

flounder (v)------- to move clumsily; to have difficulty doing something
founder (v)-------- to fail

forbear (v)--------- to refrain
forebear (n)------- an ancestor

foreword (n)------- an introduction to a book
forward (prep)---- onwards, ahead

freeze (v)--------- to turn to ice
frieze (n)---------- a decoration along a wall

grisly (adj)------- gruesome, revolting
grizzly (adj)------ a type of bear

hoard (n)---------- a store
horde (n)---------- a large crowd of people

imply (v)---------- to suggest indirectly
infer (v)----------- to draw a conclusion

loath (adj)-------- reluctant, unwilling
loathe (v)--------- to hate

loose (v)---------- to unfasten; to set free
lose (v)----------- to be deprived of; to be unable to find

meter (n)---------- a measuring device
metre (n)---------- a metric unit; rhythm in verse

militate (v)------- to be a powerful factor against
mitigate (v)------- to make less severe

palate (n)--------- the roof of the mouth
palette (n)-------- a board for mixing colours

pedal (n)---------- a foot-operated lever
peddle (v)--------- to sell goods

pole (n)----------- a long, slender piece of wood
poll (n)----------- voting in an election

pour (v)----------- to flow or cause to flow
pore (n)----------- a tiny opening; to study something closely

practice (n)------- the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc.
practise (v)------- to do something repeatedly to gain skill; to do something regularly

prescribe (v)------ to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively
proscribe (v)------ to officially forbid something

principal (adj);(n)-most important; the head of a school
principle (n)-------a fundamental rule or belief

sceptic (adj)------ a person inclined to doubt
septic (adj)------- infected with bacteria

sight (n)---------- the ability to see
site (n)------------ a location

stationary (adj)--- not moving
stationery (n)----- writing materials

storey (n)--------- a level of a building
story (n)----------- a tale or account

titillate (v)--------- to arouse interest
titivate (v)--------- to make more attractive

tortuous (adj)----- full of twists; complex
torturous (adj)---- full of pain or suffering

wreath (n)---------- a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers etc.
wreathe (v)-------- to surround or encircle


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