Saturday, October 4, 2014

Articles - A/An


 Indefinite Articles  ' A ' and ' An ' are the weakest forms of Adjective 'one '.

 *    Indefinite Article – ‘A’

           {1} 'A’ is used:-

      (a) Before a word which begins with a consonant.

                      a woman,
                      a boy,
                      a table, etc.

         (b) Before a word which begins with a consonent sound.

                      a table,
                      a book,
                      a man

      (c) Before a singular, countable noun.


                       a banana,
                       a pen,
                       a chair, etc.

       (d) When we mention something for the first time.


                         I saw a dog.

      (e) Before a word with a long sound of ‘u’.


               a university,
               a uniform,
               a useful book,
               a European, etc.

       (f) Before the word one.


                a one-way street,
                a one-eyed man,
                a one-year course,
                a one-day  holiday, etc. 


    Indefinite Article –‘ An ’  

     {2} ‘An’ is used:-
        (a) Before a word which begins with a vowel.


                       an egg,
                       an umbrella,
                        an ox,
                        an inkpot
                        an apple,
                        an orthodox society,
                        an intelligent man, etc.

         (b) Before a singular, countable noun which begins with a vowel.


                        an orange,
                        an apple,
                        an inkpot,
                        an egg,
                         an umbrella, etc.  

      (c) Before a word which begins with an open vowel sound.

                    an M.L.A. ,
                    an M.A. ,
                    an S.P.,
                    an L.L.B. student,
                    an MBA student etc.

         (d) Before a word which begins with a silent ‘h’.

                                    an hour,
                                    an honest man,
                                    an heir,
                                    an honour,
                                    an honourable man, etc.

       {3}  Repetition of Article :--

       (*) When two or more adjectives qualify the same noun, the article is normally used before the first adjective only; but when they qualify different nouns, the article is used before each :  

            *   I have a black and white horse.
              [ One horse-- which is black and white ]


            *   I have a black and a white horse.
              [ Two horses-- one is black and the other is white. ] 


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