Saturday, October 4, 2014

Preposition - Kinds


 1. Simple Prepositions
 2. Double Prepositions
 3. Compound Prepositions
 4. Participial Prepositions
 5. Phrasal Prepositions
 6. Disguised Prepositions


    They consist of only one syllable and cannot be divided into fragments.
   e.g. :--
   In, on, to, of, at, for, with, by, from, up, down, at, off, per, except, since, till, through since etc.

    * Hema is fond of tea.
    * The cat jumped off the chair.



   They are made of two prepositions.
    e.g. :--
    Into, within, upon, without, throughout, from within, from above etc.

    * The lion jumped into the well.
    * He slept throughout the film.



    They are formed by the addition of 'a' or 'by' before a preposition.
    ( a = on , be = by )
    e.g. :--
    About, above, along, across, amidst, amongst, beyond, between, beside, besides, behind, below, beneath etc.

    * A lamb was grazing beside the lake.
    * Radhika  distributed the sweets between Ram and Shyam.



    They are used in the form of present participles.
    e.g. :--
    Pending, considering, during, regarding, concerning, barring, etc.

     * Pending further orders, Mr. Desai will act as Headmaster.
     * Considering the quality, the price is not high.


    They are used in the form of a phrase and functions with the force of a single preposition .
    e.g. :--
    In front of, in spite of, instead of, by all means, according to, by virtue of, in accordance with, in search of, owing to, with reference to ,by dint of, in favour of etc.
     * He acted according to my instructions.
     * The king abdicated the throne in favour of his eldest son.


     They are used in hidden forms.
     e.g. :--
     * It is four o' (of) clock.
     * He comes here once a (in) year.


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