Saturday, October 4, 2014

Articles -The

  The definite article ‘ The ’ is the weakest form of Adjective ' that '.

        {1} ‘The’ is used:-
     (a)  When the same thing or person mentioned again, that is, a particular thing or person.
                        * I bought an orange. The orange is sweet.. 

     (b)  When  there  is  only  one  such thing.
                     * The earth,
                     * The sun,
                      * The moon

     (c)  Before  the  names  of  famous  buildings, etc.
                        * The Eiffel Tower,
                        * The Great Wall of China

     (d)  When a singular noun is used to point out a whole class, race, group, etc.
             Example: The bear is a strong animal. 

     (e)  Before the special names of a rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges, groups of islands, certain organizations, political parties, and countries.
                      The U.S.A., The U.K., The  U.S.S.R. and The U.A.R.,
                       The Nile, The Dead Sea, The Pacific Ocean,
                       The Himalayas,
                       The United Nations,

                       The Republican Party, etc. 

     (g) Before the names of holy or important books.
                        * The Koran,
                         * The Bible. 

     (h) Before an adjective when the noun is understood.
                    * The poor need help. 

     (i) Before Superlatives:
                     * The highest mountain.
                     * The best book.

     (j) Before Ordinal Numbers :
                    * The first runner up,
                    * The sixth chapter,
                     * The second winner, etc.

     (k) Before Musical Instruments :
                     * Tanisha can play the sitar.
                      * Amit wants to play the flute.

     (l) Before a family:
            Example:  The Sharmas are throwing a party.

     (m) With comparatives as Adverbs :
                  *    the sooner the better,
                   *   the more the merrior,
                   *   the more they get, the more they want.

     (n) When Proper Noun is qualified by an Adjective :
            Example :
                  *   The immortal Shakespeare [ NOT immortal Shakespeare]
                  *   The Great Akbar         [ NOT great Akbar]
                   *  The Mr. Roy whom you met last night is a terrorist.
     (o) Before the terms showing Nationality or Community :
                    * The Indian,
                     * The Chinese, etc.
     (p) When special emphasis is intended :

                   *  This is the thing to do.
                   *  He is the man to answer this.


       {2} Articles are not used:-

     (a) Before the name of a person:

            Example: Ram, Salman Khan, etc.
                *    I am a fan of Michael Jackson.
                     (not A or The Michael Jackson)
     (b) Before the name of a place, town, country, street, lakes, or road.
            Example: Unnao, Kolkata, V.I.P.Road, India.

                  *   Barcelona is a beautiful city. (not A or The Barcelona)
                   *  I live in Tilak Nagar.
                    * Sohan went to Delhi.
     (c) Before names of materials AND substances (in general sense).
                    * Gold is found in Australia.   (not A or The gold)    
                    * This bowl is made of steel.

                     The gold found in Australia is of good quality.
     (d) Before abstract nouns used in a general sense.
            Example: Intelligence, patience, honesty, etc.
                     We love all beauty.   (not a beauty or the beauty)

     (e) 'Articles' are NOT used with:--

                President Bush,
                Doctor Sharma,
                Mount Everest,
                Lake Baikal,
                St. Joseph Church,
                British Airways,
                Kennedy Airport,
                By bus.....etc.
     (f) Articles' are NOT used when we speak about things, meals in general.
                I like tea.
                She likes reading books.
                Dinner is ready.

   Repetition of Article :--
    (*) When two or more connected nouns refer to the same person or thing,
 the article is normally used before the first noun only; but when two or
moreconnected nouns refer to different persons or things, the article is used
 before each :    
            *   The Principal and Secretary had come.
              [ Both nouns are used for the same person. ]

            *   The Principal and the Secretary had come.
              [The two posts are held by two different persons.]


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