Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Noun - Gender


The word ' gender ' comes from Latin ' genus ', kind or sort.
The Noun-Gender tells us about the sex of the noun.

In Grammar-Nouns, there are four genders. :--

1. Masculine Gender
2. Feminine Gender
3. Common Gender
4. Neuter Gender


A noun is said to be in the Masculine gender if it refers to a male character or member of a species.
Man, tiger, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender.


* A boy is playing in the play-ground.
* Hero of the movie is not a native of this country.
In these sentences the words “boy” and “hero” are masculine-gender nouns.


A noun is said to be in the feminine gender if it refers to a female member of a species.

Woman, tigress, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use.


* A girl is playing in the play-ground.
* Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country.
In these sentences the words “girl” and “heroine” are feminine-gender nouns.



A noun is said to be in Common gender if it refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female.
Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member, pupil, parent,
thief, person, and leader are few of the common-gender nouns.


* A child is playing in the play-ground.
* A leader should fulfill his promises.
In these sentences the words, “ child ” and “ leader ” are nouns of common gender.


A noun is said to be in the neuter gender if it refers to a member of a species which is neither a male nor a female.
Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are in neuter nouns.
Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school,
paper, pencil and computer are few of the neuter nouns which We use regularly.


* Computer has brought about drastic changes in our lives.
* Trees cleanse the air.
* Stars are not visible in the day-time.
* Books are our best friends.
In these sentences the words, “computer”, “tree”, “stars” and “books” are the neuter-gender nouns.


(a). Collective nouns, even if they refer to living-beings, are used as neuter-nouns.


(i). The army is doing its task.
(ii). The police are called to manage the situation.
In these sentences the nouns (army and police) refer to only living-beings. But they are used only as neuter-nouns.

(b).Objects noted for their power, strength, and violence are used as Masculine gender nouns.

The sun, summer, time, death etc… are masculine-gender nouns.


(i). The sun is so scorching now that we can not go out now to face him without an umbrella.

(ii). The death is cruel. He is as certain as tomorrow.

In these sentences the words “sun” and “death” have been used as Masculine-gender nouns.


(c). Objects noted for their beauty, gentleness and grace are used as feminine-gender nouns.

The moon, the earth, spring, charity etc… are feminine-gender nouns.


(i). The moon is so bright at this time that she induces romantic mood in us.

(ii). The earth is patient. Her beauty is spoiled day-by-day.

 The masculine-genders and their respective feminine-genders have been given below .

bachelor spinster
boy girl
brother sister
father mother
daddy mummy
papa mummy
nephew niece
son daughter
uncle aunt
husband wife
gentleman lady
lord lady
king queen
man woman
monk nun
friar nun
sir madam
earl countess
wizard witch
buck doe
bull cow
ox cow
bullock heifer
cock hen
peacock peahen
colt filly
dog bitch
drake duck
drone bee
gander goose
hart roe
horse mare
ram ewe
stag hind

 By adding (-ess  )

author authoress
baron baroness
count countess
giant giantess
heir heiress
host hostess
jew jewess
lion lioness
manager manageress
mayor mayoress
patron patroness
peer peeress
poet poetess
priest priestess
prophet prophetess
shepherd shepherdess
steward stewardess
viscount viscountess


(-ess) is added after dropping the vowel of the masculine ending,

actor actress
benefactor benefactress
conductor conductress
enchanter enchantress
founder foundress
hunter huntress
instructor instructress
negro nigress
abbot abbess
duke duchess
emperor empress
preceptor preceptress
prince princess
songster songstress
tempter temptress
seamster seamster
tiger tigress
traitor traitress
waiter waitress
master mistress
murderer murderess
sorcerer sorceress

By adding (-ine, -trix, -a, etc.)

hero heroine
testator testatrix
czar czarina
sultan sultana
signor signora
fox vixen


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